Summer Fruits

Our grandson is coming to visit. He’s six months old! A neighbor gave me a bag of Golden Delicious apples right off her tree . . . and Mike said to turn them into applesauce, and I did. They were so sweet they didn’t need anything. I just cooked them in some filtered water and…

Grandpa’s Influence

A couple of weeks ago I ran across this beautiful photo from on Etsy. I pinned it to my Pinterest page because it reminds me of a wonderful photo my uncle gave me of a sheep my Grandfather raised on his Sheep Ranch in Southern Utah in the early 1900’s. This is one of…

She Crowed Today!

I’ve been waiting for this day. I purchased five baby chicks from the feed store in March; “Hens” the sign read. Hmmm. . . that sounds easy. 5 little hens, fresh eggs again, and the ability to keep things small and simple. I needed to get back to my gardening and being outdoors where the…

Thunder Storms

Can you hear it? That deep rolling thunder that sneaks up on a summer afternoon? I’m in the garden; stirring the compost and planting lettuce and the trees around me start to sway. The drum-roll in the distance is mesmerizing. I look up and see the sheets of rain falling in the distance. They’re somewhere…

Watercolor Magic

After thirty-eight years I finally got up the courage to take a watercolor class again at Dixie State College. New teacher, new classmates, new me. . . right? I’m much less timid and afraid of criticism; just full of eagerness to jump in and test the water. (colors!) My first assignment was a color wheel…

Jammin’ Today

It used to be that Jammin’ Apricots took all day. . . I’ve gotten so far on the other side of the fence, that I can’t remember if that is because I did 20 or more quarts; (Who would eat all that jam?!) or if it’s because it’s just me and Mike, and two sleepy…

Red Acre Cabbage

Hands down, the most beautiful plant in the garden is purple cabbage, and mine is doing so well for June this year! I credit the great compost pile in the corner of the garden. I haven’t had cabbage this full and healthy this late in the season since I had sheep to raise and little…