Grandpa’s Influence
A couple of weeks ago I ran across this beautiful photo from on Etsy. I pinned it to my Pinterest page because it reminds me of a wonderful photo my uncle gave me of a sheep my Grandfather raised on his Sheep Ranch in Southern Utah in the early 1900’s.
This is one of my Grandfather’s prize winning wool sheep. I’m guessing it was just one of many. I always loved the stories my Mom told us of growing up on the ranch and the simple joys they experienced there. It was simple from a child’s view, yet I know it meant hard work and discipline on the part of my Grandparents.
Grandpa was killed in a car accident in Zion when Mom was three, and Grandma was left to raise 4 kids on her own. The diligence she exhibited and the lessons she taught my mom and her siblings are wonderful stories about “The Business of Home” that I plan to share in the next few blogs.
In the early 1990’s I was compelled to purchase a ewe ready to lamb, and this was the first of two sets of twins we raised with her. It was one of the happiest times of my life. I taught my kids to help care for them; pitching hay, birthing lambs, composting, feeding, and eventually bringing the meat to the table. These were Suffolk sheep, a meat breed, not wool sheep. But the next set of twins was sired by a Morino Ram, and I did learn to spin a bit of wool. Loved it.
I remember telling Mike after the second set that I hope when I get to Heaven, God will let me tend the flocks of sheep, . . . and make Mike wash dishes!! (Oh I was cruel :( but nevertheless, I really enjoyed this experience and know it runs deep in my veins, thanks to my Grandparents.