Watercolor Magic

After thirty-eight years I finally got up the courage to take a watercolor class again at Dixie State College. New teacher, new classmates, new me. . . right? I’m much less timid and afraid of criticism; just full of eagerness to jump in and test the water. (colors!)

My first assignment was a color wheel and value study. I was so excited about the process that Mike hung it on the fridge!! That was fun.

My dry brush study was an owl in a birch tree, painted from a photo in my Audubon Society bird book Mike gave me a couple of Christmases ago.

One of my favorites was this quick study of a Stellars Jay and a Cardinal. I love the contrast in their colors, the simplicity of their composition and, I just love these birds. We don’t have them in our desert, but I have seen the Stellars at my sons home in Oregon. I plan to frame them together but separated by a mat.
As I look through my portfolio I can see that birds are my favorite subject. Their is a Chikadee on a sunflower and a Finch on Hollyhocks, as well as old buildings and pencil sketches of animals. It’s been a busy summer with glass-work and family, and I’m thinking of setting up my easel and just getting lost in color for a day or two. Can’t let another 38 years go by without splashing in the water!