It’s Been Awhile

It’s been awhile since I added to this story. Life has been full- endings and beginnings. I’m a caregiver, I know that about myself, and that comes first. I’ve recently been privileged to be able to travel and visit our sons in the Northwest. Puget Sound seemed like taking a step back in time to…

Well That Was Fun!

I feel like I’m still in Christmas mode, even though the family has gone home, and the preparations are over. The celebration is still alive and well in my being! Each request for treats and feasting was met, and we had time together with some of our kids and family. We used this amazing technology…

Kitchen Window Altar

The view from my kitchen window is my most sacred altar. Many a prayer has been offered up from this place. Many times with tears, and often with a humble smile. Always with faith that grows like the garden I look out onto. My windowsill has held collections of family members passed on, sticks and…