Visit to the Northwoods

Chickens in the Northwoods
Chickens in the Northwoods

I’m so excited that we got to spend time with our grandson recently. Summer is winding down and it’s good to see how he has spent it. He and his Daddy take care of the neighbors chickens and they invited me along on the first day we were there. I love the wonder in little one’s eyes when they have “work” to do.

Fresh Picked Raspberries
Fresh Raspberries

And those workin’ hands are full of golden and red raspberries he’s helped his Dad pick! And his little mouth is full too. Great reward for work well done.

We loved to pick the pears in his garden, and count the rocks in the driveway. We walked the big dog, and swept mamma’s floor.

Ready to go

The best part of the whole visit was just sitting with him and listening to his wonderful stories, all jibber jabber at this point, but so full of expression. I’m sure he was telling Mike and I about his day at the fair, his morning walks and bedtime routines, and how much he loves us.


Reminds me of the good times we had with his Dad and uncles when they worked hard every day.


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One Comment

  1. Julie, thanks for sharing your fun time w/ me!!! And what a great picture of all the boys at the end! Glad you had a nice get away and time w/ your grandson.

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