Sauerkraut Staples
Sauerkraut with Beets and Purple Cabbage

This month I’m enjoying experimenting with different sauerkrauts. This is a beautiful red one made of purple cabbage and beets. These are two of our favorite vegetables and this recipe from Feremented Vegetables, by the Shockeys really caught my eye.

I made one of their lemon dill krauts last summer, and it was Deeeelicious. I’m used to making Roht Kohl, a German dish with purple cabbage, bacon and onions in the winter to go with our roasts and chops, so this one seemed like a winner from the start. It has been fermenting on the counter for a week, and I did a taste test today. Yummmmm!
Sourdough success from a wild yeast start

Last winter I started making sourdough bread, from a wild yeast start of my own. It took many tries, but in November of 2014, I finally had success. I got the directions and inspiration from Jennifer McGruther’s book the Nourished Kitchen. One of my favorite books. She put me on a path of healthier eating, determined to eliminate some poor health issues.

Mom made the BEST sourdough bread every Sunday, but unfortunately, the start she gave me years ago didn’t survive the years, and she’s gone now. At home it’s just Mike and I and I’m comitted to keeping this one going. Bread baking has always been good for my soul.

So fermenting vegetables seemed to be a natural progression to follow. I’ve been a canner of fruits and vegetables all through my childraising days, and now I’m ready to try this “New” old way of preserving.
Tell me, have you tried fermented vegetables? Are you curious about their benefits? Do you want to know more about them? Let me know in the comments and I will try to put you in touch with some good resources.
Loving this Business of Home,
I’ve never fermented any vegetables, I even kill yeast when I try to bake bread. Guess my talents are more on the crocheting side of life. Looks really good though. I love Sauerkraut, Beets and Purple Cabbage.
Thanks Deb!
We are really enjoying the goodies we’re brewing up. I have tried many times to crochet, but I kill the yarn :)