
Forcing Blooms Indoors

Forcing blooms from fruit tree prunings is a simple and magical way to anticipate Spring.

Forcing blossoms // gardening // pruning trees at the Business of Home.
Peach Tree Prunings

Forcing Blooms

It’s still winter cold out- best time to prune the fruit trees, and that means time for forcing blooms indoors. Those delicate pink blossoms will chase away any winter blues in a hurry. In our desert, the budding fruit trees change from stark to full bloom, to leafy trees in the wink of an eye. I love knowing that I can stretch that little window of wonder just a bit further.

Forcing Blooms // gardening // blossoms // Spring colors at the Business of Home-Julie Dumas
Forcing Blooms

Easy to do, and well worth the tiny effort

It’s a simple process to achieve these beauties indoors. Just place some small trimmings from your fruit trees, any will do, in a vase or jar of cool water and set them on a table or in a sunny window.

Watch as the buds begin to swell and turn bright colors. Within a coulple of days they will burst with soft, intricate blossoms that you can enjoy close up with wonder.

Forcing blossoms // gardening // pruning fruit trees for Spring color indoors at the Business of Home.
Plum Blossoms


Slow down and savor the blooms and don’t forget to share some with a friend. The Hope of Spring and the miracle of nature is soothing to the soul, never ceasing to amaze. Little ones will be in awe at the flowers that grow on those “sticks” they like to played with, and old eyes will remember the sweet fruit of last summer.

What’s your best early Spring/Late Winter tip to keep away the blues of winter? Please share it in the comments so we can all enjoy?



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