Defender of the Hen-Pecked!!

I love to work outside, and today I was cleaning up the chicken coop; scrubbing out their waterer, when my little Chickie-Dee decided to hang out in the garden with me. The other chickens don’t like her, so she is not welcome in the flock. That means she and I spend a lot of time together. I just feel so sorry for her.
Chickens are very social creatures, and need company. For some reason, whenever she is in the same area as the other 4 birds, they hen-peck her. Today I heard the commotion and before I could even stand up to rescue her, she came scurrying over to me and hopped up on my back. (I almost thought I heard her give the other chickens the raspberries.) Mike was outside so I hollered for him to look, and he snapped these photos.

This little hen needs a home where she can be the top dog instead of the bottom of the heap. She follows me and the dogs around the yard, but come spring, she will start eating my vegetables, and I really don’t want that. It was supposed to be easy having just 5 chickens instead of 25, and a smaller garden to keep up with. I’m not sure there is ever anything easy in life. Just new adventures and challenges, . . .right?

Are you going to find her a new home???
Yes, she needs a home where she has chicken company instead of just me and Guido :)
Love that sweet little hen. My husband always wanted to raise chickens but where we live now has to many wild animals coming through the yard. Just the other day saw to bobcats outside my window.
Do they lay eggs for you?
They do lay beautiful brown eggs, and this little white hen lays Green eggs. They are so fresh and tasty. We’ve been to Prescott and it looks like wonderful wild critter country!