New Ideas for Summer

I just finished a new stained glass cross in some bold and beautiful complimentary colors, and really like the way the light bounces through it. Just enough bold mixed with subtle and soft to catch the eye.
We will be selling this weekend at the Farmer’s Market in St. George; Ancestor Square, and I hope someone sees it as a great Easter meditation. The pattern describes it’s design as Art Deco meets Southwest, and I thought that was appropriate.

I have also created some small 3″ x 4″ suncatchers in transparent clears, bronze, red, and some pale greens. They have elements of nature embossed in them including, trees, flowers and leaves.
Now I am inspired to create more embossed pieces and dishes with the “sorbet hues” I just read about on Rena Tom’s blog “Strategy for Creative Businesses” . The article is “A Scoop of Sorbet” by Chloe Douglas.