Baby steps // garden // dreams // copperandglass homestead.

Dreams do come true.

Dreams do come true a second time, and more. I had dreams . . . vivid but hazey around the edges. (That’s because I was young and wasn’t sure what they meant.) They weren’t sleep dreams, or day dreams but a longing in my heart driving me to act on things that sustained my dream….

Sauerkraut Staples

Sauerkraut with Beets and Purple Cabbage This month I’m enjoying experimenting with different sauerkrauts. This is a beautiful red one made of purple cabbage and beets. These are two of our favorite vegetables and this recipe from Feremented Vegetables, by the Shockeys really caught my eye. I made one of their lemon dill krauts last summer,…

Morning Smoothies!

Good Morning Smoothies . . . Morning smoothies are my new favorite. It’s a new year and new life lessons are behind and ahead of me. One of the best things I know to make healthy changes in my life is to focus on nutrition. There’s always something new to learn. Our son introduced me…